This type of error is not very serious and does not need to be eliminated at the first appearance. Many times a new delivery attempt is valid, because assuming you are only sending to opt-in users, they may be experiencing mobile phone number list a period of inactivity and will soon return. In order not to suffer damage to the image and reputation with soft bounces, the best alternative is to maintain the frequency in cleaning bases according to the level of user engagement. Hard Bounce: Permanent errors that should be handled more rigorously than temporary errors.
These may appear because they do not actually exist (spamtraps), because they are going through a long period of inactivity (5 months). This type of response is more damaging to the delivery of your campaigns because they receive an immediate rejection from the provider. The most common responses are related to non-existent accounts or domains. In this case, the solution is the immediate removal of hard bounces. Once classified as a permanent error, the email will no longer be delivered and if it remains on your lists, it may affect the delivery of all others, even those with constant engagement.